Monday, December 24, 2007

An Online Christmas

And so this is was my Christmas 2007... an idle day spent at home - with my sister - in front of my laptop. It was really an odd Christmas day for me, but come to think of it, I haven't had a normal Christmas since 2002!. So, here was what I did today:

1. created Friendster , multiply and myspace testimonials and messages
2. spam mailed everybody on my address book
3. harrassed every online friend i got, i mean greeted them
4. "worked from home", checked company email every now and then for updates
5. talked operations director and operations manager for the status of the back office (which was well-handled by Orchid!)
6. yes, chatted with orchid for work-related chorchors (100 calls waiting due to network lags!!!)
7. talked on the phone with my mom, dad and sister
8. chatted and talked with joshua on the phone
9. ate the simple meal my sister prepared

Man oh man, I had the best Christmas ever!!!!! Now, I should be going since I missed one thing that's very important.. go to Church!!!! :)

My Christmas

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