Friday, March 06, 2009

It's my bebe's birthday!!! :D

Even if you no longer have a Multiply account and turned to Facebook for our online PDA, I would still write something for you over here.

I am looking forward to being with you this year!!!! I am looking forward to looking at your beautiful brown eyes, looking forward to smelling your morning breath, looking forward to teaching you how to cook fried rice, looking forward to walking along the white beaches of my island. I am looking forward to carrying your name, carrying your little boys and little girls as well, looking forward to walking out on you when you fart, getting mad at you for not flushing the toilet. I am looking forward to just watch you fall asleep and get irritated with the sound of your snores - looking forward to eating your, your famous spaghetti in red sauce with italian sausage, what do you think I am looking forward to? :D

I am just tired to not be without you, and a few more breaths is all I need until I get to be with you. One minute away from you means a minute closer to you, and yes, we have been through a lot, though for two people in love who came in two opposite worlds, we still have a lot to discover about each other.

I love you Joshua, Happy Birthday and God bless you always!!! :D