It would be a great embarrasment to admit that I started cross stitching due to my sexual frustrations. No, it's not I wasn't getting any. I was getting too much of it!
September 2004.
Emotional disposition: Brokenhearted.
Cross stitch pattern: Two geishas
(Click me to view the finished pattern)
I chanced upon this lovely geisha cross stitch pattern and being the oh so busy woman that I was back then, I decided to give it a shot. I would say that it was love at first stitch! There was no stopping once I got my hands working on it. Finished it in 3 weeks, a record time for a pattern which usually takes about 2-3 months to complete. There are times that I find myself staring at it. Haha :) I thought I've fallen in love with it! :P I planned to do one more pattern but I never had the chance to do so coz I started working the following month.
Fast track to August 2005
Emotional disposition: Frustrated and Depressed
Cross stitch pattern: Oriental Grace
(click me to see the finished pattern here!)
Frustrated because I was one week short of my one year vow of celibacy. Depressed because of so many reasons, heartbreak (again) and a rejected US Visa application being the top two reasons. I felt my feet dragging me to the DMC store in Gateway, and once more I found myself buying the pattern. As before I started it right away! There is something in cross stitching that gets you addicted. You wanna see the finished product. Even if your eyes hurt, you just want to so as many stitches as possible in a day. True enough, I finished it in 3 months, and this is a bigger piece thant the previous one and would take about 6 months to finish.
Present time
Emotional Disposition: secretly happy
Cross stich pattern: Oriental Grace
(50% of the work here!)
No, I do have a life. It's just that I'd rather spend my free time doing cross stitching than going out clubbing or drinking gourmet coffee. That phase of my life is so over. My mother would laugh hard over the phone whenever she finds out that we are spending our Friday night and weekends at home doing our cross stitch. It's like a sign of things to come. Manang mode, ika nga.
Cross stitching helped my mind get busy. A major mind-declogger. Any frustration, problem or lingering thought I have goes away temporarily when I am doing my cross stitches. Call it running away from reality but I don't care. And there is a major sexual benefit for those of you who want to stay as virginal as possible :p For me, it's like, an idle mind is the best devil's workshop. I think of (and do) things that you wouldn't want to talk about when my hands are not busy. My sister tried to stopped doing her cross stitch when she started casually dating a guy from her office. Now that they aren't dating anymore, she decided not to go back to her work, with the mindset that "she feels defeated going back to cross stitching".
But as for me I have decided to stick with it no matter what my emotional disposition is. Like right now, I feel (naturally) high and happy, but I am still doing my cross stitch. I am currently finishing my third geisha (and angel geisha) and I am so excited with the outcome!!! I just have to bear the tauntings my oh-so-ever supportive friends from work.:)
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