Yeah, that was me alright with my sch0olmates,sisters and David Celdran,the host of the defunt Battle of the Brains, after winning the 2nd weekly eliminations for April 1994 . How come the big networks don't wanna produce game shows like this anymore? For those of you who watched that game show, do you ever recall that huge timer during the bonus round? Hehe. Winning the gameshow was my first paycheck , 1,030 pesos (we got around 4k). I remember buying Sterling Snoopy notebooks (or was it Catleya?), Pilot pens (was never a fan of Tombow,such a cheap imitation) and a fancy pop-up pencil case. We lost to Bennedictine Abbey in the monthlies, but they totally deserved that since they ended up competing in the Grands. And you thought I was just good with jologs movies and songs!!! :p
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