Friday, June 15, 2007
Goodbye sunshine!!!
Waaah, ibalik nyo ako sa morning shifttt!!!
I'm a C traveller!~
src="" title="Lakbayan
Visited Map" alt="" />style="border:0px;margin-top:5px;" src=""
title="Lakbayan Grade: C" alt=""
My Lakbayan grade is C!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at href="">Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.
Rhoda forwarded this cool application,which turned out to be a brainchild of my colleague from UP Engineering Student Council! :) I have included my June lakbays already - Catanduanes and Cebu! :)
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Flu + TimeZone = Carebears
One person that made me feel a lot better though during these times of physical and emotional stress was Frances, my niece. I am crazy over her!!! I took her to the Eastwood Central Plaza while my sisters are preparing to leave for Gateway (for Time Zone!) and she kept on running around the area, she got me so exhausted! She rode the carousel, played in the Il Pirata ship, even listened to the band playiing that night and tried to order an 89 peso-ice cream at Dairy Queen (I didn't buy her coz I know I'll end up eating it anyways).
We went to Time Zone Gateway since she's crazy over Air Hockey and the Bowling Game. She played that Bang the Alligator game and a few more kiddie games. However, it was me who enjoyed the most that night. I have discovered that I am good with that Stack to the Top game!!! You ahve to stack all the blocks to the top (duh!) to get your prize - and it was my first time to win something from Time Zone. I got two medium-size Carebears stuffed toys (the green and pink one). I think they're about 200 pesos each if bought in the mall. Not bad for somebody who's sick! There's also a mini Stack to the Top game where you can win a Nokia Cellphone, a 4.0 MPX Vivitar Camera VCD Player or 2500 Timezone Tickets but I felt that it was rigged - it wasn't really hard once you get the hang of it. I think I'll have more chances of winning those items when I go back feeling a lot better. :)
Monday, June 04, 2007
Emotions: Halo-Halo Flavor
The last time I've had this emotional state of mind was when I ran away from home back in 2003. It's all coming back to me now.
Angst. For people who don't care.
Happiness. I realized don't need to deal with people who don't care for me and who'd desert me and leave me to the vultures once the Regina Quibral Drama Special starts playing. And that thought makes me happier.
Relief. I'd rather keep to myself why.
Depression. For not being able to go back to school this semester.
Bitterness. V. Damn, get out of my head, man!
Frustration. For the business that is not going on too well.
Shame. For hiding my feelings and pretending that everything is alright.
Guilt. For skipping work time and again.
Love and yearning. For my mother and father.
Lost. I feel lost.